Weight Loss Diet

Weight Loss Diet

I recommend that the program begins with the detox diet, which is a 7 day cleanser. This will speed up the process and get you feeling well quickly. This part of the diet is designed to cleanse your body of all undigested and fermented food. You can expect to have headaches and feel tired while elimination is taking place. After this there is the simple rule of sticking to ‘Nature Food’. Nature food was not intended to cause weight gain and ill health it was designed to detox and heal our bodies on an ongoing basis. If you are not sure if the food you are about to eat is made by man or nature, look and see if it grows on a tree, bush or vine or grows on top of or under the ground, etc – this is nature food. If it is in a packet, tin, carton or a box; off the shelf, out of the cupboard, etc – this is man made and is dead food. These will satisfy your taste buds but will do very little if anything for your health, they may cause allergies, constipation, etc. Nature food will give you energy, mental control and clarity. With this way of eating you are guaranteed to lose weight and improve your health. Nature foods are made up of all fruit and vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and herbs. Animal protein – dairy and meat should be eaten in very small quantities as they contain lots of fat and can cause disease in the body. Drink only fresh herb teas, fresh fruit juice and water. If you wish to get rid of cellulite AVOID all wheat products.