The 3 Food Groups

The 3 Food Groups

These are the 3 food groups, combine your food carefully and make sure you eat more wet foods than dry foods.

  1. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose in the final stage of digestion and used in the body for fuel, energy and heat. Without energy we are depleted and often people complain that they are tired and have no energy. This is due to the fact that they do not consume sufficient energy foods.
  2. Proteins are converted into amino acids in the final stage of digestion and used in the body for growth and repair of bone, muscle, skin, hair and nails. Plant protein is far more healthy than animal protein which can cause dis-ease and later disease in the body, especially with the circulatory system. Excess animal protein can result in a build up of cholesterol, due to saturated fat, which is associated with heart disease as well as uric acid which can cause pain and inflammation in the joints.
  3. Fats are converted into fatty acids and glycerol in the final stage of digestion and used in the body for warmth, protection and energy and the building of cell membranes. Many of our nerve cells have the myeline sheath for protection, our heart and kidney are embedded in fat for protection. Fat is also needed to carry our fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Although necessary, excess fat is health threatening. There are 3 groups of fat: saturated fat found in meat, fish, dairy and other animal produce; polyunsaturated fat from vegetable sources i.e. wheatgerm, sunflower, safflower and corn oil; non-saturated or monounsaturated fat which are the healthiest and found in cold pressed oils, e.g. Olive oil.