

Meditation is a way of enhancing our lives and all it takes is ten minutes a day. By using the breath and opening our hearts to the unconditional love that we all have within us, it is easily obtained. Meditation calms our minds enough to allow us to listen to our hearts which is where all the answers lie.

There are many ways to meditate and you choose the way that is most comfortable for you. It is basically about, relaxing and focusing and by using the breath you will find it a lot simpler than you ever imagined. It is not just a matter of sitting in the lotus position and blissing out. For me the best way to explain meditation is: sitting quietly for some time, in a relaxed and comfortable position, spine straight, arms and legs uncrossed, feeling your body, noticing the surrounding sounds, breathing with intent and noticing whatever movement, energy or feelings that may proceed.

Breath – When you are in the position that suits you best, relax and breathe. Breath is our link, our connection with our inner being, to God, to the universe. By breathing deeply we are connecting with our heart centre, which is where everything we know comes from. The easiest way to connect is to take a deep breath in, hold it for a moment and release it. Then take another deep breath in, hold it and release. Then take in as much air as you can possibly get in, then a little more, and hold it and as you slowly and gently release it, imagine yourself dropping out of your head and into your heart. Gently keep breathing in and out and notice what is going on within your body. You may notice energy buzzing through your body, a slight tingle or a rush of pins and needles. You may not feel anything, just notice how you are feeling without having any thoughts about it. Feeling it, feel the power of it. Feel love and appreciation for the feeling. This is your connection, this is your link. As you continue breathing, consciously use the words ‘Yes’ and ‘Here I Am’. As you breathe in say ‘Yes’, connecting to the universe, feeling that spiritual connection, remembering who you are. As you breathe out say ‘Here I Am’, feeling your body, feeling your connection to Mother Earth. Continue breathing gently throughout the meditation. In ‘Yes’ and out ‘Here I Am’. This keeps you focussed and helps when you have distracting thoughts to refocus. It also keeps you connected and open to any insights that may come your way.