Acid/Alkaline Diet

Acid/Alkaline Diet

For general health, food combining is necessary. It is very important to have a more alkaline than acid diet. 70-80% alkaline and 20-30% acid. Most alkaline foods are wet and acid foods are generally dry. Try not to eat any processed food as they are acid and not recommended as a health food. A general rule that is quite simple to follow is to stick to NATURE food. If you are not sure if the food you are about to eat is made by man or nature, look and see if it grows on a tree, bush or vine or grows on top of or under the ground, etc – this is nature food. If it is in a packet, tin, carton or a box; off the shelf, out of the cupboard, etc – this is man made and is dead food. These will satisfy your taste buds but will do very little if anything for your health, they may cause allergies, constipation, etc. Nature food will give you energy, mental control and clarity. Sticking to this diet will help to keep your body in tip top health and will alleviate the symptoms of many ailments.